18 August 2008

Lets start at the beginning

I had a baby on my own last year.
I already have a 7 year old boy and i'll tell you now the baby was an accident. A very wonderful accident, but an accident none the less. I have felt less than fabulous on a number of occasions over the last year, but I have kept my subscription to Missy Confidential and can still drool over the latest In Style magazine. My babies are my life but I remember that I am still just a girl at heart. I'm 32 years old and am not ready to become daggy old mum just yet. I still love shoes and handbags and can still enjoy re-runs of Sex and The City (its on after the kids bedtime).

Last year I gave into my love of handbags and designed The PouchMISS. Its a handbag organiser for new mums who still love their gorgeous handbags, and you can have a look at it for yourself here. Because when you are a new mum its the little things, like being able to use a gorgeous pre-baby bag instead of a nappy bag, that can make all the difference in a fabulous girls life.

I hope you enjoy reading about the latest gorgeous things for you and baby, and keep being fabulous,
Ros x

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